



【乐曲名称】:stairway to heaven
【演奏者】:led zeppelin

  Led Zeppelin是一支权威性的重金属乐队,这不仅是因为他们用爆裂的噪音来诠释布鲁斯,更重要的是他们将神话、神秘主义及其他许多风格(最显著的是世界音乐和英国民歌)融入他们的音乐。Led Zeppelin很神秘,他们很少接受采访,因为音乐新闻界厌恶他们;因此,歌迷只有通过唱片和演唱会了解他们。比其他乐队更强的是,Led Zeppelin确定了album-oriented rock(以专辑而非单曲为主导的摇滚)的概念,他们拒绝从专辑中拿出较流行的歌曲作为单曲发行。正因如此,他们确立了重金属的统治地位,就象现在听到的那样。
  1969年的年头,他们首次在美国举行了巡演。这次的美国巡演为他们1月发行的首张同名专辑《Led Zeppelin》奠定了良好的基础。专辑发行后两个月,爬上了美国排行榜前10名。整个1969年,他们穿梭在美国和英国之间,进行着几近残酷的巡演。在巡演的路上,他们录制了第二张专辑《Led Zeppelin II》,于1969年10月发行。跟上一张一样,《Led Zeppelin II》直接上榜,发行两个月后便升至美国排行榜首位并停留了七周之久。这张专辑使得Led Zeppelin成为一支极具吸引力的国际级乐队。接下来的一年,他们继续他们的残酷巡演。
    Led Zeppelin的音乐在《Led Zeppelin III》中开始深化。这张1970年10月发行的专辑明显受了英国民歌的影响。乐队对民歌与神话的倾心,为他们在1971年11月发行的无标题的第四张专辑带来了成功。《Led Zeppelin IV》是他们到此为止音乐最丰富的专辑,从硬摇滚风格的Black Dog到民歌风格的The Battle Of Heaven,几乎包容了一切;还有一首《Stairway To Heaven》,被人们称为连接这两种风格的桥梁。《Stairway To Heaven》是一首电台直接上榜歌曲,最终成为电台历史上播放次数最多的一首歌,它也从来没有作为单曲发行过。尽管事实上Led Zeppelin IV在美国从未排到排行榜的第一位,但它是卖得最多的专辑,在后来的25年中共卖出了一千六百多万张。(强烈推荐《Led Zeppelin IV》,可谓是Led Zeppelin颠峰之作,特别是《Stairway To Heaven》是经典中的经典。本歌讲述了一位少女坠入金钱的深渊,将自己的灵魂出卖,而她以为那才是她心目中的天堂。从一开始就十分动听的分解和弦到Jimmy Page在歌曲结尾处的一段著名的solo都将这首《Stairway To Heaven》铸就成为不朽的经典名曲。后来还有许多著名的乐队翻唱过这首歌,但是能演绎的如此神圣的只有Led Zeppelin!)

there's a lady who's sure
  all that glitters is gold
  and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
  when she gets there she knows
  if the stores are all closed
  with a word she can get what she came for.
  ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
  there's a sign on the wall
  but she wants to be sure
  'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
  in a tree by the brook
  there's a songbird who sings,
  sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
  ooh, it makes me wonder,
  ooh, it makes me wonder.
  there's a feeling i get
  when i look to the west,
  and my spirit is crying for leaving.
  in my thoughts i have seen
  rings of smoke through the trees,
  and the voices of those who stand looking.
  ooh, it makes me wonder,
  ooh, it really makes me wonder.
  and it's whispered that soon
  if we all call the tune
  then the piper will lead us to reason.
  and a new day will dawn
  for those who stand long
  and the forests will echo with laughter.
  if there's a bustle in your hedgerow
  don't be alarmed now,
  it's just a spring clean for the may queen.
  yes, there are two paths you can go by
  but in the long run
  there's still time to change the road you're on.
  and it makes me wonder.
  your head is humming and it won't go
  in case you don't know,
  the piper's calling you to join him,
  dear lady, can you hear the wind blow,
  and did you know
  your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
  and as we wind on down the road
  our shadows taller than our soul.
  there walks a lady we all know
  who shines white light and wants to show
  how ev'rything still turns to gold.
  and if you listen very hard
  the tune will come to you at last.
  when all are one and one is all
  to be a rock and not to roll.
  and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

  • 黑暗之魂 金币 +10 辛苦啦! 2009-3-22 21:37
  • 金币 +22 不管你是否接受 红包敬上! 2009-3-22 21:36


英伦齐柏林飞船乐队的经典大作,喜欢!这只重金属乐队曾在很久以前创造过辉煌的奇迹,吉他手吉米.佩奇的名气也是藉此声名远播,铸就了他在摇滚界的霸主位置。记得在上个世纪《天津青年报》的著名乐评人阿弘(又名平客)就曾以《通往天堂的阶梯》为标题,以一个版的篇幅图文并茂的介绍了西方的摇滚百佳唱片,于是我开始疯狂的寻找齐柏林飞船的打口带,呵呵,与其说聆听到是种满足,不如说找寻的过程就是一种幸福。在我的聆听领域,有一首同样伟大的作品,是white snake(白蛇)乐队的《sailing ships(航船)》,演唱者是大名鼎鼎的大卫.克维代尔,这首歌与《通往天堂的阶梯》结尾部分很相似,有兴趣的朋友可以找来听听,在我看来,两个乐队的风格传承基本一致,白蛇乐队是著名乐队“深紫(deep purple)的一个分支,佩奇也曾经在白蛇乐队有过参与。
  • 黑暗之魂 金币 +5 回复认真,鼓励! 2009-3-22 21:38


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