
[情色三级] [德国/四级] 在路上的女孩Madchen, die am Wege liegen (1976)[复古情色 稀缺资源][M ...


[德国/四级] 在路上的女孩Madchen, die am Wege liegen (1976)[复古情色 稀缺资源][M ...


【影片名称】:在路上的女孩Madchen, die am Wege liegen (1976)[复古情色 稀缺资源]

    John·Dillinger  Martina·Domingo  Evelyne·Dress

    瑞士 Erwin C.迪特里希制作这部影片于 1976 年

    两名男子周围在瑞士旅行,在开着车和沿途他们开始外遇与各种各样的女孩。这些女孩开始有事务与其他女孩。被很好的时间是束缚场景、 泥浆摔跤妇女和一个典型的 20 世

纪 70 年代的狂欢。后者有奇怪的人体彩绘,掩盖跳舞和音乐相匹配。

    这部电影是情境之间软核心和铁杆。我看到的版本有一个短的硬核场面,清楚拍摄使用其他设备。其他所有的场景都遭受到 70 年代中期规则︰ 五个手指总是可见并没有男性

应该显示勃起。可能有很多其他版本。早在 20 世纪 70 年代,审查每个国家各不相同的规则,每个国家能做与它自己的版本。

    这部电影是相当可怕,唯一加大约是 20 世纪 70 年代大气,有时被抓获。演员们要么表演过火或不能行事,脚本是......,好有脚本吗?20 世纪 70 年代软核心球迷可能会

喜欢这部电影,所有其他人确实应该避免这部电影。我只是看着它,因为我看到它在 1970 年当我年幼的时候 (远比今天年轻) 和我对它感到好奇。好吧,我不应该一直,它实


Two men are travelling around in Switzerland in an open car and along the way they start having affairs with a great variety of girls. And these girls start

having affairs with other girls. Thrown in for a good time are a bondage scene, mud wrestling women and a typical 1970's orgy. The latter has weird body

painting, obscure dancing and music to match.

Apparently there seems to be some kind of plot, but neither the spectators, nor the filmmakers are actually interested in that.

This movie is situated between soft core and hardcore. The version I saw had one short hard core scene, clearly filmed using other equipment. All other

scenes were subjected to the rules of the mid-70's: always five fingers visible and no male should show an erection. Probably there are many other versions.

Each country could do with its own version back in the 1970's, for the rules of censorship varied per country.

This film is quite awful and the only plus about it is the 1970's atmosphere, which was captured at times. The actors either overact or cannot act, the

script is..., well is there a script? Fans of 1970's soft core may like this movie, all others should really avoid this flick. I simply watched it, because I

had seen it in the 1970's when I was younger (so much younger than today) and I was curious about it. Well, I shouldn't have been, for it actually was a

waste of time.



[检查重复] 在路上的女孩Madchen, die am Wege liegen (1976).mkv.torrent (42.09 KB)BT资源

2016-11-18 15:33, 下载次数: 494

  • 非鬼 金币 +20 转帖分享,红包献上! 2016-11-22 22:00


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